Two existing charities in Northern Ireland will between them receive almost one million pounds in covenant funding to deliver much needed mental well-being services to veterans their families and their carers.
Inspire Wellbeing awarded £703K through a new “Recovery Together” project will bring together a range of innovative wellbeing and support services across Northern Ireland, safely case managed and clinically governed. The portfolio will offer services delivered within a stepped care model from low through to high intensity support interventions, to address the significant gap in support for veterans their families and carers across Northern Ireland.
The Ely Centre “Veterans Support” was awarded £220K for their project that will provide a veterans and family crisis response support project which will deliver a crisis intervention and de-escalation service to veterans and their families or carers who reside in County Armagh, Fermanagh and Tyrone. This will include health and wellbeing support interventions, intensive psychotherapy within a holistic approach to health and wellbeing and benefits/pension advice for veterans and their immediate families. They will work with a range of partners.